Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Anatomy of Transformation, by Sharmai Amber

I recently read an article (Reader’s Digest November 2013, page 124) about a conman called Jim. Jim spent 10 years doing 30 fraudulent business operations swindling people out of millions of dollars: undiscerning people lost their savings, homes and, sometimes due to the stress, their families.

Till his Karma came calling.

Jim knew what he was doing was wrong, but he was making so much money that he didn’t care. It wasn’t until the federal agents showed up in his office to arrest him that it hit him: “What I am doing is really bad!” Jim instantly changed his tune.

Today Jim is 45 years old and lives with his parents. Jim was, by his own admission a “Monster.” He owes almost a million dollars in restitution that he will never be able to pay. He has acute emphysema from smoking and drug abuse and needs a double lung transplant. But the clock is running out.

What Jim did was suck financial and emotional well-being from naive people. What karma is doing is sucking life-force and emotional well-being from Jim. If I were a person that bets, I would bet that Jim would die before he got his transplant. Why? Because he does not have the karma to earn that kind of reprieve.

Nevertheless, Jim’s Soul is happy with Jim. He has taken a dark part of himself and his Soul and began the shift it in his and his Soul’s core being to become a better person and a better Soul: he admitted he has a problem; remorse emerged; he pleaded guilty (a rarity today); he did jail time; he prays for his victims; after he got released from jail he got called daily to jump back in the game—he turned it all down; he worked for 5 years for the other side warning people against scam artists until: he got gravely ill which he understands is his karma (he knows he deserves it). With the avalanche of destruction he left in his wake, he owes a ton of karma. At least now he is heading himself, and his Soul, in the right direction.


To get help transforming a part of yourself call Keith Amber, Spiritual Therapist for a Spirit Reading / Healing. You’ll be glad you did. 808-776-1191 (Hawaii)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

There are no Victims, only Consequences, by Sharmai Amber

We are a culture of victims and the blame game. It’s never our fault. And while we are busy co-creating or manifesting what we WANT in the future we are blissfully ignorant of the fact that we ALREADY co-created our current circumstances, with all the flaws, long ago.

Victimhood implies that we had nothing to do with the current condition of our life, that it has been done to us, not by us. After all, why would we put ourselves in such un-fun conditions? That would be silly.

Karma is a powerful force here on Earth. There is no escaping it. It weaves through multiple lifetimes ensuring that lessons that need to be learned are learned whether from the current life or a past life.

That means that in our past, this life or a past life, when we behaved badly by inappropriately harming (emotionally, physically, monetarily, spiritually) an animal, plant, human or nature that we have automatically signed up for God to send us a lesson to teach us not to behave like that again. Ever. It needs to be blazed into our soul so strongly that that behavior never even remotely comes to mind again. When we learn the lesson on that level, it never comes back again.

So, if you want to stop the recurring circumstances that plague your life, stop seeing yourself as a victim. See the circumstances as a lesson. Figure out what you need to learn. Learn it deeply and the Universe will stop sending it your way. Now that’s refreshing!

If you want to figure out the lessons underneath YOUR recurring circumstances Keith is great at that!!! It is his specialty. Plus he gives you strategies on HOW TO TRANSFORM the circumstances. Keith Amber, Spiritual Therapist for a Reading/Healing. 808-776-1191 (Hawaii) $75 ½ hour

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